You can also see the glass of cloudy looking water. It looks that way because of the thickener in it.
Gene has his "funny glasses" on.
I brought this little monkey to Gene on my first visit. I told him it was to remind him of me when I wasn't there. I was going to be a like a monkey on his back, reminding him to try hard and never give up.
This was taken for our sister Patty. She was not able to go visit Gene at first because she was recovering from surgery. So, Gene thought it would be funny to take a picture of him looking like he was crazy. He said to bring it to her and say "Here's your brother".
Gene has always been funny and even with having a major stroke he still had his since of humor.
The photo isn't the best because I was laughing when I took the picture.
Gene and Robert practicing how to sit up.
Gene can really get hurt if he doesn't look at his paralized side. If his foot or leg is twisted it could get broken and he wouldn't even know it. Plus it's necessary to look at the placement of his foot before he tries to transfer into the wheelchair. Otherwise he could fall.
Here, Matt is working on moving Gene's paralized arm. Gene can feel pain and touch but has no movement at all in his arm or hand.
It's important to move his arm so the brain can try to reprogram itself to move the arm down the line. Plus if he doesn't move the arm the muscles will freeze up and become very painful.
Robert reminds Gene to always look at his foot and make sure it is in the right place. When someone first has a stroke they often ignore the side that is paralized and don't look at it.
Gene can really get hurt if he doesn't look at his paralized side. If his foot or leg is twisted it could get broken and he wouldn't even know it. Plus it's necessary to look at the placement of his foot before he tries to transfer into the wheelchair. Otherwise he could fall.
Here, Matt is working on moving Gene's paralized arm. Gene can feel pain and touch but has no movement at all in his arm or hand.
It's important to move his arm so the brain can try to reprogram itself to move the arm down the line. Plus if he doesn't move the arm the muscles will freeze up and become very painful.
Hi Joanne!
This is a fabulous blog! I know in my heart of hearts it is going to be so helpful to other people in the same situation.
Gene is a handsome man and you can see the determination in his eyes to recover and help others. He WILL help others more than we or he can imagine right now.
I continue to keep all of you in my prayers! I'm so glad you are my friend!
Hugs, Sherry
I'm glad to read that Gene is doing well. I had a stroke in 1994 (chiropractic adjustment) and a LOT of things will change.
Note here if you want to talk about what to expect.
Hi Joanne, it's Shirl again from Stitches of Love, I posted a comment on one of your other blogs and should have posted here. I will enter you in my drawing. Also if you would like to send me some prints your brother would like I would be so happy to make them for him. One yard per bib, I just use cottons. I don't have any men's prints on hand right now. I've been using my stash for alot of the charity sewing and it's alot of girly prints or baby. Prayers to your brother for a quick recovery, he looks very determined! Their is a link to my email on the SOL blog, right hand side girl with blue flowers, just click on it.
Blessings, Shirl
My grandfather had 3 or 4 strokes when he was younger.He lived to be 80 and I still miss him,I lived with him since I was 6 months old so he was like a dad to me.He out lived his strokes,he died of Alzheimers.
My real dad has had 8 or 9 heart attacks in the past year,he is only in his 50's.
Gene and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.He seems like a really cool guy!!!
How is your brother doing?
I was angry for him when I thought of people talking as if he isn't there. It makes me nuts when people do it to children, even.
People forget speaking ability and cognitive perception are different. People will often talk about my son as if he isn't there or has not comprehension of what they are saying. His disabilty tends to keep his verbal a ways behind his perceptive.
It irks me.
I hope to hear how Gene is doing and hear some updates!
Hi Joanne, just a quick note to let you know I sent your brothers clothing protectors out in yesterdays mail. Best wishes to you and your brother. Thank you for letting me make them for him!
Blessings, Shirl
God bless your brother Gene. My family unfortunately has had many members who have had strokes.
Keep on writing.
i hope it is alright that I still leave a comment almost 2 years later-I am almost afraid to ask-but how is your brother doing? My dad suffered 2 major strokes before he passed away. I know all diseases are bad-but I found the stroke to be simply the worst. It was very hard to watch him be so frustrated(he lost his speech)
From your entries I got the feeling that you have a great family. I hope all is well.
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